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Health Care Educational Programs

Canadian English Language Benchmark Assessment for Nurses (CELBAN) is an assessment tool designed to assess the English language proficiency of internationally-educated nurses who are applying for licensure in the nursing profession in Canada. If you completed your nursing education in another country and you speak English as a second language, you may want to consider taking the CELBAN Test Prep course. CELBAN has been endorsed by most RN, RPN and all LPN licensing bodies across Canada as an acceptable option to demonstrate your level of English language proficiency for licensure. CELBAN will evaluate your proficiency level in all four skill areas (speaking, listening, writing and reading).

CELBAN Reading & Listening Prep-courses

There are three main sections in the Reading component of the CELBAN. Those include: Skimming and scanning and Reading comprehension that includes two passages with topics related to hospital policies, medical procedure, ... etc, and filling in the blank areas. Our standard 16-session prep-courses provide you with 16 booklets, which each contains one exercise for each of these practice exams. The listening prep-course teaches how to prepare for the listening component of the CELBAN. Our listening booklets each contains two videos and eight sample test questions for each video. Resources and Tips for how to use each package are given below. When applied in a regular basis, IENs improve their listening scores.

CELBAN Writing & Speaking Prep-courses

Two components of writing include form-filling (10 minutes) and report writing (20 minutes). In writing sessions you view a video scenario and fills in a form based on that scenario. In report writing you write a narrative report based on information provided. The speaking practices include an oral interview and two role plays.

The speaking practice includes two role plays in which the candidate is asked to interact with the "patient" (instructor) by asking questions to obtain information, and to give instructions and offer explanations. You will be asked to answer questions to demonstrate your ability to narrate, describe, summarize, synthesize, state and support opinion, and advise.

One&One, group and on-line sessions are available.

CELBAN Overview

CELBAN Test-Taking Strategies


Electronic Flyer - Page 1 & Page 2

Nursing Community Assessment Service (NCAS)

The health regulators have launched a pilot project to create a new Nursing Community Assessment Service (NCAS) for Internationally Educated Practitioners (IEPs). The NCAS assessment tools and the supporting processes are being tested for immediate transition. The goal is to provide a community based assessment service, across four community stakeholders (HCA, LPN, RN, RPN) that will provide an accelerated, streamlined approach to assist IEPs in integrating into health workplace.

NCLEX Preperation

NCLEX (National Council Licensure Examination) is an examination for the licensing of nurses in the United States and Canada. There are two types, the NCLEX-RN and the NCLEX-PN. The exam's content is based on client needs: Safe and Effective Care Environment Management of Care 17-23% Safety and Infection Control 9-15% Health Promotion and Maintenance 6-12% Psychosocial Integrity 6-12% Physiological Integrity Basic Care and Comfort 6-12% Pharmacological and Parenteral Therapies Reduction of Risk Potential 9-15% Physiological Adaptation 11-17.

Curriculum Design

Curriculum is one of the major challenges of developing a degree or non-degree program and it is one of the main factors that can influence student retention and satisfaction. A well-designed curriculum makes the syllabus come alive. It combines technology and pedagogy to engage faculty and students in an exciting exchange of ideas. Creating this dynamic learning environment takes more than porting an existing syllabus into an online learning system. Our curriculum design experts can work to develop a program that stimulates the minds of students and results in outstanding overall learning experience.

Refund Policy

Refund policy applies to each program enrollment.

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